‘’My Dreams and Me’’ Series with Banu Gürün
A satisfied life or a successful life? Our satisfaction is the measure of our own soul, mind and heart. We are very happy to be featuring Banu Gürün, who created the ‘My Dreams and Me’ Series on the path to creating a complete and whole life, at Cihangir Yoga. Banu Gürün, known for her regression and Shamanic Journey workshops, will meet with Cihangir Yoga participants in a series of studies under the title My Dreams and Me. You can participate in all of the studies or the ones you wish.
From the moment we start our life journey, we have all felt that spiritual force that accompanies, protects and guides us, to a greater or lesser extent. One of the safest and most powerful ways to discover that power and wisdom that comes from within us is shamanic journeying. Shamanic Journeying is an adventure of discovery into different states of consciousness (trance states) and allows us to access our inner energy world. Shamans know that all illnesses originate from the energy matrix of our existence and they journey to the source of the problem in order to restore balance and healing.
These experiential studies will take us to the shaman's world, where everything is in contact with each other and in the form of energy. In this journey we will embark on, we will have the opportunity to discover ourselves more deeply and develop our personal power.
We recommend that you wear comfortable clothes when coming to the workshops.
Me and My Dreams Workshop - Creating the New "Me"
March 2, 2025, CY Maçka
Fee: 3000 TL
This workshop series, where we create the life we want with our self-mastery in the light of the concepts of love and belonging, is designed as studies where we provide transformation by experiencing it completely.
- How can I transform the areas where I think I am late to life and seem unsolvable?
- How can I make my dreams come to me easily and become real instead of chasing them?
- How can I provide my emotional stability?
- How can I wake up from the illusion of moments when I feel exhausted, helpless and inadequate, no matter what I do?
-How can I create a new “I”?
Me and My Body Workshop - Inner Guidance of the Body
April 13, 2025, CY Maçka
Fee: 3000 TL
The topics we will cover in this workshop;
-Emotional Wisdom
-Somatic Awareness
-Ballance and Rhythm of the Body
-Reconnecting with the Body
-Listening and Respecting Your Needs
-Living in Harmony with Yourself
Shamanic Journey Workshop - Self-Love and Self-Compassion in Our Own Truth
May 25, 2025, CY Maçka
Fee: 3000 TL
We are exploring the shamanic “art of tracking/chasing” for a spiritual journey that we cannot perceive with our five senses.
- Information about Shamanism.
- What are the lower world, middle world and upper world?
- Journey to the lower and upper worlds and finding and integrating our lost soul parts regarding our self-love and self-compassion
- Information about the concept of spirit guide and meeting your spirit guide
- Information about the concept of spirit animal and meeting your spirit animal
I was born in Ankara in 1967 as the eldest daughter of a family of three children. As the first grandchild of the family, I grew up observing all kinds of verbal and physical relationships and communication between people of all ages in a crowded family from a very young age. My intention to try to understand what is beyond the visible and to realize the real plan beneath what is, started at that age. After successfully completing my education at Notre Dame De Sion, Boğaziçi University and San Francisco State University, I worked as a sales marketing manager and assistant general manager in private companies in different sectors in my business life of nearly 20 years. While my business career was continuing, in the early 2000s, I started my own personal transformation journey to find my life purpose, to know myself and to continue on my path and create by feeling safe in the flow of life. I have attended countless seminars and trainings, some as a participant and some as a practitioner, on the subjects of the unconscious, shamanic practices, energy fields, personal development and transformation techniques, NLP, Reiki, Rasheeba, Psychogenetic causes of diseases, Relationships; Optimum Balance Model, Ho'oponono, Access Bars, Touch For Health, Epigenetic psychology etc. After completing my advanced degree, I started practicing shamanic journeying.