Cihangir Yoga Blog

You can find the latest blog posts about yoga and life written by Cihangir Yoga experts here.
Cihangir Yoga is making a wonderful return to the Cihangir area where it was founded!
See you on the mat in Maltepe and Cihangir.
Feb 12, 2023

Yoga in Hard Times

The recent earthquake in Turkey has left us all feeling a sense of loss and grief. In difficult times, the practice of yoga has always been a uniting and healing force.
Your dedication to your practice matters to us and that’s why our studio is cleaned regularly throughout each day and is continuously ventilated with 100% fresh air.
Now, Axess Platinum and Wings Card holders will be able to benefit from a 15% discount on all CY purchases and up to 6 monthly installments for selected memberships.
Dear Students, we would like to remind you of the precautions we take and the rules we apply in order to act together in the healthiest conditions in our studio.
Now is the time to act and act. At HOPE Alkazar, we embrace different experiences and continue to say Yoga to everyone in Beyoğlu.
Our CY Caddebostan studio re-opens on June 1st!
To start or deepen your yoga practice at home, Cihangir Yoga offers you over 300 classes per month on our CY Live Platform.
We are greeting a brand-new season this year as we do every September. This season is quite different from the previous ones but has its own opportunities and excitement too.
If you are already participating in our online classes and have an existing online membership; Please create an account with your e-mail address, which you always use on the website.
Please read the rules applicable in our studio during the Covid 19 process. We request the attention of all our members so that our classes can continue in a healthy way.
All our studios have been disinfected in line with the epidemic management circular of the Ministry of Health.
Apr 16, 2020


Dönüşüm. Ne kadar da büyük bir kelime değil mi? Ama mümkün. Hiç mümkün değilmiş gibi gelse de mümkün. Etrafımızdaki her şey birer enerji diyor Don Miguel Ruiz; ‘‘hiçbir şey yok olmaz ama her şey dönüşür.’’
Apr 6, 2020


Ormanın doğası gereği, içinde olduğumuzda tüm ormanı göremeyiz. Bir ağacın yanından geçeriz, diğerine iyice yaklaşırız. Tam “o” ağaca dair benzersiz bir bakış açısı çıkar karşımıza. Ağaç çok gerçek ve canlıdır.
It has been 4 weeks since we stopped public classes at our studios, due to the measures taken against the corona virus (COVID-19). We miss YOU a lot!
Mar 22, 2020

Şimdi Sevişme Vakti

“Yoga şu an oluyor.” Patanjali Yogasutraları-ilk sutra (Godfrey Devereux’in yorumu)
Mar 20, 2020

Kasırgada Çay

Elim ayağım buz kesti. Kalbim hızlandı, korku alt karnımdan tüm bedenimi sardı. Arka arkaya kelimeler yağıyordu zihnimden, düşünceler birbirine karışmaya, birbirini destekleyip birbirini bozmaya başladı. Düşünce hareketi öyle hızlıydı ki yakalayamıyordum çoğunu.
Mar 16, 2020

See You Soon...

Our studios are closed to public from March 17 until further notice.
Researchers find that yoga reduces the harmful effects of chronic inflammation.
We are closely following the developments regarding coronavirus (COVID-19).
Mar 10, 2020

Health For Everyone!

We kindly ask for your help to act with awareness in common areas for the health and safety of our community.
Nov 26, 2019

The CY Method

The CY method developed quite organically and came into being so that the teachers that were trained by or taught at Cihangir Yoga, would share a common language and method when creating and delivering a class.
I started practicing yoga in New York in a large studio with high ceilings, tile-brick walls quite typical of Manhattan.